dilluns, 20 de maig del 2019

CLOENDA DEL PROJECTE ERAMSUS+ de 3 anys “Kids Conquering Castles” a Berlin

Tretze  alumnes de sisè de primària del col·legi Sant Josep de Navàs han gaudit d’una setmana d’intercanvi cultural amb companys d’Itàlia, Gal·les, Grècia, Alemanya i Àustria. L’experiència ha permès consolidar els objectius finals del projecte d’emprenedoria:
-       Crear una cooperativa a Navàs (curs 2016-17), realizar un mercat medieval a Gemona, Itàlia ( curs 2017-18) i fer un donatiu dels beneficis obtinguts a l’ ONG  WWF (World Wild Foundation) a Berlin, Alemanya.
-       Promocionar el patrimoni cultural dels castells de cadascun dels països participants mitjançant el disseny artístic d’unes postals dels sis castells de cada país mitjançant un treball cooperatiu i transnacional.
-       Potenciar la competència lingüística i comunicativa de l’anglès com a llengua vehicular, el treball en equip, la creativitat artística, la solidaritat i el sentit d’identitat europea.

Vegem l’opinió d’alguns dels alumnes participants del LTTA Camp a Berlin:
-       “ An unforgettable experience! Friends, English and much more”. Roger
-       “ The school gave us an opportunity to become more valuable people and connect with other partners from other countries. It’s a great experience I enjoyed a lot. Thank you for this incredible opportunity!” Gal·la
-       It is an original experience, we learned English a lot and also other languages”. Ingrid
-       Berlin is beautiful. It has been an incredible experience with our friends and other people. I love this project. Thank you for all”. Abril
-       “ A wonderful week where I learned a lot of English and I had great fun. But most of all, I made lots of new friends from other countries. I want to repeat this experience”. Ariadna P
-       “ A nice experience not only to improve our English but also to learn words of other languages, learn culture about kings, queens and castles . We made new friends and had great fun! It has been amazing” Laura
-       “It was an incredible experience. I have learned a lot of new things and we also made lots of new friends. “ Pol
-       “ In Berlin I learned a lot of English. The experience was beautiful, amazing, incredible but the greatest was to make new friends”. Marina
-       “ It was a very fun experience and I learned a lot of new things” Carla V
-       “ I love Berlin. It is beautiful . we learned a lot of English and also some words in Greek. I made new friends” Mariona
-       “ I like this experience a lot because we made lots of new friends from other countries, we visited a lot of touristic places and we learned a lot of English and also Greek. I love Berlin” Clara
-       “ This week has been full of adventures, activities and much more. I’ve learned a lot of English and I enjoyed a lot. I made lots of new friends. Thank you Fina for all the things you do for us, we are very proud of that” Carla G

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